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You will meet with the medical oncologist that your specialist or GP has referred you to. She will have received information for your doctor about your cancer but will also need to collect more information about your health history to be able to plan your treatment. Your medical Oncologist has specialty training in the management of your cancer and will be able to explain both your cancer and treatment recommendations to you.  

During your treatment, your medical oncologist will need to correctly diagnose and assess the stage of your cancer in order to be able to formulate and recommend a treatment plan. This process may need to be repeated if your Medical Oncologist believes your cancer may have altered with treatments or changed over time. To do this, your doctor may need to arrange specific tests and or speak with other specialists in your care including: surgeons, pathologists and radiologists.


All cancers are not the same and affect people in different ways. Depending on your cancer and your medical well-being, together with other circumstances that affect your life, different treatments and combinations of treatments will be discussed with you.  Common treatments include chemotherapy, combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy, hormone therapy and immunotherapy. Our practice is actively involved in research and a clinical trial may be discussed as part of your treatment. Participating in a clinical trial is optional and will require your permission after having read information about the trial and had an opportunity to discuss the trial. You will be given information about your treatment drugs, their effectiveness and side effects.  You are always welcome to bring along a support person, family member or friend to your appointments. 


What to bring to your first appointment:

Please bring to your appointment an up to date medication list, all relevant and recent scans, pathology tests and blood tests you have been given copies of. You will be asked to complete a patient registration form and privacy consent. You must also bring your Medicare card or DVA card, private health fund details, pension card or health care card. 


What happens after your first appointment:

Depending on your treatment plan, you may have appointments set up with our chemotherapy unit to receive education about your treatment and your first therapy appointment. Your next appointment with your medical Oncologist will be made before you leave.

Your First Visit

Cabrini Brighton, Suite 3, 243 New St, Brighton VIC 3186


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